Read Amos 2:4-16
I don’t know all the reasons that have brought you here this morning. Perhaps some of you have come out of habit. Perhaps it was to see some friends. Maybe you want to spend some time with God here is this sanctuary.
When the prophets of old spoke to Israel their deep desire was that the people would remember who they were and spend some time with God. The prophets complained about the ways in which the people demonstrated that they were lost. They ignored the poor, and they overindulged their desires.
The prophet reminds them of their roots, that it was God who led them for forty years in the wilderness and that while the people believe that they can go their own way, without being God’s people they will find that their life becomes heavy. Their self reliance, the strength that they depend on will do them no good.
Forty is an important number in the Bible. It represents a generation, it represents a time of change. Forty is a long time and it is the time that God desires.
Not only does God desire that time, I believe we desire that time with God. Our problem most often is that we fail to recognize our time with God. God is with us in every moment, every breath, every sunrise, every love song, is a moment spent with God. We often fail to recognize that which we really need. We worry about the bills, about politics, we worry about all sorts of things that are not life giving. Sometimes in our worry we create false ideas of strength. We might believe more money will solve our problems, or voting for a different political party will make everything better. When what the prophet is really telling us is that we simply need to spend more time with God.
Monday Read Exodus 34:27
Moses spent 40 days with God on the mountain as God gave the law of the covenant. Are there moments you can remember that you spent with God where you were given some wisdom in a difficult situation?
Tuesday Moses spent a lot of time with God on Mt. Sinai. Where do you like to spend time with God? Do you have a sanctuary in your home? Create a sacred space in your home today.
Wednesday Read Matthew 4:1-11
Jesus goes to the wilderness for 40 days following his baptism. There in the wilderness he is tempted with bread, arguments about faith, and power. What temptations do you live with? How do you answer the tempter?
Thursday We all face temptations. What is your hearts desire in for your relationship with God? What do you need to let go of to make room for a deeper relationship. Write down something you must give up for that relationship. How will you give it up?
Friday I Kings 19:4-14
Elijah runs away. His life is at risk so he seeks shelter. An angel of the Lord ministers to him for 40 days. As he waits for God, a great wind, an earthquake and fire come by but Elijah doesn’t find God in these forces. Where Does Elijah find God?
Saturday Is there a place, a time when you can experience true silence and be with God? How much time will you give to God in that time of silence?
Sunday Attend worship at LUMC