Monday, May 01, 2006

Find Your Path, Sunday April 30th

Luke 24:13-35

The Path Begins with Questions
Two men were walking along the road talking about the events of the past day. They knew about Jesus and his ministry. They had hopes that Jesus would be the one to free Israel from the Roman occupation. Perhaps they were part of the crowd that celebrated his entry into Jerusalem. Then it was all over. Jesus was crucified.
Leads to Discovery
As they walk a stranger comes to them and begins to remind them of the scriptures. This stranger talks about the Messiah and his ultimate purpose. Finally as the stranger breaks bread with them they discover the stranger is the Risen Christ.

Find Your Path
The Joy of Discovery. People Get excited about discovery.
Do you remember the first time you were able to ride a bike and that moment when you were able to balance those two wheels and peddle yourself forward? That was such great freedom! The Joy of discovering what you could do!
Do you remember when learning was fun? Remember when you looked in that microscope in science class? When I was in the fifth grade I once spent a whole recess looking at Salmon eggs through a microscope. It was so cool!

Self, loved child of God Prevenient Grace
I believe the first step on our spiritual journey is one of self discovery. The primary element is that God loves you so much, that Christ came to live, die and rise again so you might have eternal live. God Loves You! You are lovable.

God, source of love Justifying Grace
As you discover God’s love you seek to live in that more. You take steps along the spiritual journey to continue to experience God’s love. You respond to people who affirm God’s love and you remove yourself from those who (for whatever reason) try to steer you away from the path of love.

Living in Love Sanctifying Grace
As we grow in our awareness of God’s love we want to share the greatest gift with others. The journey leads us to care for others and work to bring the Kingdom of God to our world today.

Disciples first Find their Path, and then Share the Journey (next week)

Continuing the Sermon

In what ways can you grow in your awareness of God’s love for you?
Is there something you need to do for yourself to affirm that you are a person of great worth?
What commitments can you make for your spiritual life to grow?
In what ways are you helping others?

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