Yesterday several members from Longview United Methodist Church attended "Equality Day" at the state capital. We were joined by people from Jewsih, Muslim and Christian backgrounds. There were several United Methodist clergy and lay people from churches all over the state. The effort has been organized for the past few years by the "Religious Coalition for Equality." The marriage equality bill is in process in the legislature right now.
House Bill 1350 and Senate Bill 5335 would offer the same legal protections, rights and benefits to same-sex couples that are currently granted to married couples. The five legislators agreed that it this is the ultimate legislative goal of their efforts to secure similar legal rights for gay and lesbian families. HB 1350 was introduced with 25 co-signatories in the House, where 50 votes are needed for passage. SB 5335 was introduced with 11 co-signatories in the Senate, where 25 votes are needed for passage. http://access.wa.gov/leg/2007/Jan/n2007017_7619.aspx
We were also joined by some people who were apparently trying to save our souls. One Memorable sign read, "You deserve Hell." Nice. You know after reading that sign I am suddenly moved to become a fundamentalist, well, maybe not.
Seriously, the theology of that sign is disturbing. Why is homosexuality so threatening to some people? Where in the Gospel did Jesus proclaim anyone deserved hell. Wasn't it Jesus who at the cross forgave those who put him there? The Gospel doesn't end at John 3:16 it goes on. John 3:17 says, "Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." (NRSV)
House Bill 1350 and Senate Bill 5335 would offer the same legal protections, rights and benefits to same-sex couples that are currently granted to married couples. The five legislators agreed that it this is the ultimate legislative goal of their efforts to secure similar legal rights for gay and lesbian families. HB 1350 was introduced with 25 co-signatories in the House, where 50 votes are needed for passage. SB 5335 was introduced with 11 co-signatories in the Senate, where 25 votes are needed for passage. http://access.wa.gov/leg/2007/Jan/n2007017_7619.aspx
We were also joined by some people who were apparently trying to save our souls. One Memorable sign read, "You deserve Hell." Nice. You know after reading that sign I am suddenly moved to become a fundamentalist, well, maybe not.
Seriously, the theology of that sign is disturbing. Why is homosexuality so threatening to some people? Where in the Gospel did Jesus proclaim anyone deserved hell. Wasn't it Jesus who at the cross forgave those who put him there? The Gospel doesn't end at John 3:16 it goes on. John 3:17 says, "Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." (NRSV)
I feel sorry for those who where there to protest equality. I am sorry that they are unable to understand and live in God's grace. I wish someone would just give them a hug and let them know that they deserve grace, just like the rest of us.
1 comment:
Seems more than a little ironic that the one guy has a sign that says "you deserve hell" and the other holds one with a picture of Jesus (aperantly made of chocolate??) on the cross. Kinda' a nice adventure in missing the point
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