Thursday, July 17, 2008

Between Generations

It really sucks to be a Gen X clergy.

The boomers are in control and the Millennials are on the rise. Squeezed in the middle are us poor suckers with the misfortune to be born after JFK was shot and before the Challenger space shuttle blew up. One Episcopal candidate here at Jurisdictional totally disregarded my generation in talking about the generations of the church. I have been informed that I am too old to meet with the younger people to caucus with them. (I crashed one gathering anyway.) Among my clergy colleagues I am seen as one of the young ones, among the young adults I am one of the old clergy.

I really sucks to be 39.

In other news the voting for Bishops has come to a standstill.

After 5 ballots there has been little movement among the top 5 contenders. As of the 5th ballot this is how things stand.

Grant 42
Elaine 21
Renae 19
Youngsook 14
Janet 13

Two of those are likely to be elected unless some great surprise happens tomorrow. It all depends on the fallout of the caucus groups and as the others withdraw. There are still 40 votes being used on candidates with little chance to make a sudden rise. Distributing those 40 among these five will determine a lot of the future. Presently I am voting for two women. I am convinced Grant will make a good Bishop but presently I wish to support some women to see how this sorts out.

I am hopeful that the PNW will be assigned a women as Bishop but there is a lot to happen between now and Saturday.

Peace Y'all,

1 comment:

Todd said...

Hang in there Bruce. As one born in the very first year of "Generation X" I know exactly how you feel. In a lot of ways I'm not too worried about it though - if the Millenials want to jump in and take resposibility for the mess the boomers are leaving behind they are welcome to it! Enjoy the balloting!
- - - Todd