Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lent Day 7

Frogs. Really a plague of frogs? OK.

What got my attention initially about this passage is that Moses and his people expressed their desire for freedom as a means to worship.

When I was in my final year at WSU my senior thesis was a study of the original state constitutions and what they stated about freedom of religion. Each of the original 13 colonies had some statement to the effect that people were free to worship. It is a freedom that we assume in our culture.

I suppose if our religion became illegal we would still find ways to worship. We might have secret signs, we might move our meeting place around, but we would find ways to worship together. I wonder if we would value that time more if it was difficult to arrange and a bit dangerous. Do we take our Sunday mornings for granted? Hmmmm.

Here is to efforts this week to not take the opportunity we have for worship for granted.

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