Monday, December 10, 2007

Sermon Notes December 9, 2007

A gift of Hope

Sinner. You are a sinner and your momma is a sinner. Y’all are a bunch of sinners. That is the sort of inviting message that John the Baptist is preaching. Good News as we prepare for Christmas! Why is Paul in such a bad mood?

There are times when we are surrounded by so much bad news that we begin to believe that the only news is bad news. Now that the flood waters are receding and the cleanup is beginning the news media will only cover the political chaos likely to follow up this disaster. There will be inquiries into political offices of who didn’t do what when. Yet, there will be little notice of the people helping people, the people who travel from Longview, and many other places to help out with a mop or a shovel, or a meal.

We have the opportunity to be a gift of hope as we help and build relationships. What brings more hope to your life than relationships? We can offer ourselves and our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Hope in a King? That is what the psalmist hopes for, that this leader, this time will get it right. How many times have you put your hope in new leadership only after time to be disappointed? Too often we learn that our leaders are imperfect. They are humans who make mistakes just like the rest of us.

John the Baptist notices the community and religious leaders hanging in the crowd and he yells at them. He declares repentance is the only way. We know that when people seek to repair a relationship the first step is repentance.

Repentance means to literally turn around, to turn away from destructive behavior and to turn toward the living God. Through repentance, a simple act of reconciliation our lives are changed through a new relationship.

Obviously the greatest gift you can give this Christmas is yourself and your faith in the Christ Child. There are people who need you to be graceful and loving. There are people who need you simply to sit and spend some time with them. Take the time this Advent to tend to your relationships.

How is your relationship with Jesus? What do you need to do to deepen that relationship?

How is it with your primary family relationships? What do you need to do to care for those?Study Guide
Preparing for the Third Sunday of Advent

Study Guide

Through this season of Advent we are seeking understanding of God’s activity in the world. As the world around us creates a commercial holiday loosely based on Christian ideals, what is our understanding of God’s promise for a Messiah?

Monday: Read Isaiah 35:1-10

Isaiah delivers a message of hope to people who are out of their house and home and looking for God. Has there been a time when you knew as verse four states that God would come to save you? How might this be a message of hope for those who are comfortable and safe already? What might God be calling the comfortable to do?

Tuesday: Read Luke 1:46b-55

This is Mary’s song of Joy, it is a vision of a world transformed by the child she carries. Is this only the optimistic hope of a first time mother? What would be different in our world if this song became true today?

Wednesday: Read James 5:7-10

A call for patience on the third Sunday of Advent. As Christmas comes closer are you anxious with anticipation or has the holiday created so much stress you just want it to be over with. What would be different in your life if you were anxiously anticipating the arrival of Christ? What needs to happen for you to look forward to having a deeper relationship with Jesus?

Thursday: Read Matthew 11:2-11

This passage shows a close relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus. Jesus doesn’t proclaim himself to be the Messiah, he simply shows what is happening in his work. What evidence do you hope to leave from your life? If someone asked about your faith, would you talk about theology or give an example of something Jesus has done for you?

Friday: Pray for love. What does it mean for Christian people today to be a people of love? How have this weeks readings influenced your understanding of God’s activity in the world?

What is your understanding of God’s activity in your life?

What is your understanding of God’s ministry at LUMC?

Sunday December 16th: Choir Christmas Cantata. A worship of music and praise.

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