This is one of many pictures provided by Bob Martinson from Sunday's celebration of Diveristy.
Plans are underway to have guest preachers to lead us in a series of sermons on the theme of Liberation. I am excited by the possibilities of this series in work with our other ministries to make a real impact on the community. This follows the fantastic community response to the very small Aryan Nations group. LUMC people represented almost 10% of the 500 plus people that attended the parade on Sunday afternoon. We were a vital presence in and with the community to celebrate our common value of living in a diverse community.
I have been working to keep up to date with the recovery from the flooding in Lewis County. It turns out that Lewis County has received an abundance of flood buckets so what is needed now is financial assistance and volunteers to be ready in the coming weeks to help out with Volunteers In Mission teams. I have signed LUMC up as a possible group for participating as a VIM group. Assessments are being made and the necessary work is being done to get United Methodist volunteers helping for continued relief. Up to date information can be found at http://www.pnwumc.org/disasterresponse/index.html
The Leadership Team had a good meeting on Monday and set the foundation for improving our system of following the mission statement for the United Methodist Church to “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ.” We already have some great disciple making ministry happening what we hope to do better in this next year is to be intentional about that ministry. In many cases that will simply mean doing the things we do now, only naming the intention of those ministries and being better about sharing the story of how those ministries are changing lives.
The choir Cantata is always a highlight of the Christmas year and this Sunday should be no exception. Pray that all the choir voices are in good shape as people recover from colds and sore throats. This is a great Sunday to invite your friends to get in the Spirit of what this season is about.
Saturday will the second meeting of the General Conference Delegation. Please pray for our gathering as we plan for the General Conference coming this April. This weeks meeting will focus on educating delegation members about the Judicial Council and its role in the General Conference.
Grace and Peace,
The Leadership Team had a good meeting on Monday and set the foundation for improving our system of following the mission statement for the United Methodist Church to “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ.” We already have some great disciple making ministry happening what we hope to do better in this next year is to be intentional about that ministry. In many cases that will simply mean doing the things we do now, only naming the intention of those ministries and being better about sharing the story of how those ministries are changing lives.
The choir Cantata is always a highlight of the Christmas year and this Sunday should be no exception. Pray that all the choir voices are in good shape as people recover from colds and sore throats. This is a great Sunday to invite your friends to get in the Spirit of what this season is about.
Saturday will the second meeting of the General Conference Delegation. Please pray for our gathering as we plan for the General Conference coming this April. This weeks meeting will focus on educating delegation members about the Judicial Council and its role in the General Conference.
Grace and Peace,
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